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Browser Requirements
Supported Browsers
For all browsers, enable JavaScript, cookies, and TLS 1.2. If TLS 1.2 isn't available, enable TLS 1.1. Browsers that don't support TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 won't be able to access AppraisalWorks.
For Mac OS users on Apple Safari or Chrome, make sure the system setting Show scroll bars is set to Always.
Some third-party browser plug-ins and extensions can interfere with the functionality of AppraisalWorks. If you experience malfunctions or inconsistent behavior disable the browser's plug-ins and extensions and try again.
For the best experience, use Chrome.
Considerations for users of AVG Antivirus
Specific settings in AVG will cause the site to slow down. Please contact support for the most efficient settings.
Considerations for Microsoft Edge
AppraisalWorks supports the current and previous versions.
Considerations for Microsoft Internet Explorer
AppraisalWorks supports the current and previous versions.
Considerations for Apple Safari
If you use Safari, AppraisalWorks supports the 2 most recent versions. Apply all Apple software updates.
Considerations for Mozilla Firefox
AppraisalWorks supports the current and previous versions.
Considerations for Google Chrome
AppraisalWorks supports the current and previous versions.
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